This guide details the steps a library location should take in order to get connected.

Step One: Enrollment Period
Project Overview Meeting
A webinar or phone call may be conducted to brief library staff on the project and their opportunity to connect to CalREN.
Libraries Enroll in the Project
Libraries joining the project submit Letters of Agency (LOA), giving CENIC permission to seek bids for telecommunications services and to leverage federal E-rate discounts and California Teleconnect Fund discounts on their behalf. Library contacts also participate in phone interviews that allow project staff to collect necessary information on their current technology infrastructure and future needs.
Network Planning Meetings
Program orchestrators discuss the desired level of connectivity and network design options.
Step Two: Contract Period
Quotes Presented and Reviewed
Through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process, CENIC obtains quotes for services from commercial providers on behalf of participating libraries, evaluate those quotes and prepare proposals for each library. These proposals are presented to libraries for review, which includes connectivity speeds, hardware needs-if any-and costs.
Participating libraries choose from among the option(s) presented to them, and the process of preparing a contract for service begins. Libraries sign contracts for service with CTC Technology & Energy.
Consolidated Hardware Purchase
Library jurisdictions can order hardware they need for their sites through CTC to receive significant discounts on hardware. Hardware is shipped directly to libraries, and they are billed for this hardware by CTC. CTC also coordinates with the California State Library to ensure that any applicable grant funds can be applied to these purchases.
Step Three: Connection Period
CalREN Circuit Ordered
CENIC prepares the specifications for the circuit and places an order with the service provider, and the provider acknowledges receipt of the order.
Service Provider Site Survey and Preparation
The service provider conducts a site survey and completes any preparatory work necessary to ensure they can deliver service to the site.
Library Site Readiness
Library site ensures the room where the circuit will be delivered meets minimum requirements and all necessary local area network equipment is in place.
CENIC-Provided Equipment
CENIC orders the CENIC-managed network equipment for the library site and configures and ships the equipment to the delivery address provided by the library.
CalREN Circuit Handed-off and Validated
Circuit work is completed and necessary hand-off information regarding the service is transmitted to CENIC. The circuit is tested for stability and network equipment is configured to accept traffic.
Connection to CalREN Live
The library begins actively using the circuit.
Network Operations Center Orientation
The library jurisdiction will be contacted by the CENIC Network Operations Center (NOC) to schedule an orientation session.